Flying Blue

It’s a cycle: I find myself in a city, either again or for the first time, open to new possibilities and new encounters, and I inevitably cross paths with someone new.  The new smile, the new laugh, the new gaze ensnare me—the solitary wanderer—and occupy my thoughts more than I’d care to allow.  I’m a writer, after all, and I obsess.  I invest more than they do in our connection, because they know the story—I’m too temporary to be taken seriously.  All too soon, I’m off again, a comet streaking through the void, brightening the sky for a brief moment in one place before moving on to the next, those whose space I illuminated moving on as well, without me.

But sometimes, the voyager yearns for company, for more than just a fling.  For a sustainable connection with a like-minded individual, who can fly with me long enough for the smile, the laugh, and the gaze to become familiar.

For a little while, at least.

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3 Responses to Flying Blue

  1. Wow – I’m torn between feeling this post is very romantic or very sad…

  2. Fly Brother says:

    BMP: It’s both, actually. 🙂

  3. BlackinCairo says:

    Ay shawty where you been at?! (My goodness that was crude English….good, to get it out of ym system finally lol)

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